Ok, so do to several inquires, perhaps I am not accurately portraying my experiences in Mexico. Well, maybe I am. I dunno. I don't want to sound like I'm not having a good time but I can't say that I am exactly having the time of my life either. Actually, living in Mexico feels pretty normal for the most part which allows me, I guess, to analyze it intensely. That's just how I am. You can ask any of my friends who have had dinner at my apartment. I analyze EVERYTHING. I don't absolutely love Mexico, nor do I hate it. Like I said, it feels pretty "normal" here and all and all I think i'm having a good experience.
With that said, I went to Mexico City two weekends ago and let me just say, it was soo much fun! It was my first time out of Guadalajara since I've been in Mexico. I met up with some friends I made in ITTO and stayed at a friend's house who lives with his partner there. It is a 7 hr. bus ride from Guadalajara to Mexico and I left Thursday night. We literally didn't sleep from early Friday morning until Sat. night. Looking back at it, we fit in so much stuff considering the short amount of time we were there. Aaron is the one who lives there with his partner Marco who is Mexican and was kind enough to drive us all over God's creation while we were there. My friends Christina, a teacher from Massachusetts and JP, a really funny British guy also in our class met up us in the city. We went to Teotihucan (or however you spell it) to see the Aztec pyramids which were AWESOME. We also went to the city square called the Zocalo which is apparently supposed to be the largetst square in the world. They also have these Aztec ruins there called Templo Mayor. It's kinda crazy because you are walking along the street and you come along to these ruins on an ancient Aztec temple that people discovered like 60 years ago. BUT, you as you read the little pictures, you find out that you are actually standing on TOP of like a 90 foot temple (don't quote me on these numbers). Like what we know now as street level is actually built on top of an entire ancient city. How crazy is that? The Spanish just built right over an entire civilization. But, they are paying for it now because the city square is sinking. You can look at buildings, especially the Basicilica, and they are all slanted and crooked. Apparently, the area used to be a lake it dried up and so the ground is all soggy, thus the sinking buildings. I dunno. I have was half asleep when I was reading the signs but it was really interesting. We also went to the Castle of Chapultepec and walked around Zona Rosa and stared at the gays (haha) and went to parties and drank...alot.
What else is going on in right now... I turned 23 last Thursday. Feels kind of wierd and so uneventful. My birthday kinda sucked actually, but oh well. I'm def getting older too. Like I actually have to warm up before capoeira, sucks. Besides that not too much else really exciting going on in my life. Went to a Halloween party last Saturday which was fun. Work is kinda boring. Maybe I can find something different next year...My Spanish is coming along slowly but surely. In the meantime, I'll try to have more interesting adventures to write about.
Enjoy the pics!

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