Saturday, September 02, 2006

More Party, More Problems...

Sooo. .. I think I am going to become a vegetarian when I come back to the US. I eat so much meat here it's not even funny. The last time I actually ate vegetables was about four days ago when I made stirfry. Again, I am finding it incredibly difficult to eat healthy here. Everything is grilled or fried in grease and tossed with lime and salt and buying fresh vegetables is expensive. Damn pesos.

So anyways, we had a huge party at our house last night. Somehow we ended up with a DJ and everything at one point. It didn't end until 5 am in the morning. I had fun...well about as much fun a lesbian can at a straight party surrounded by men who find you not only exotic but titilating by your very existence. I made sure to wear my tie and baggy jeans to this party to avoid confusion that guys may have about my possible interest in them. You would think right...but no, a few guys still didn't get it. It was very annoying too because I would be dancing with a girl (who by the way only wanted me to teach her how to dance to hip hop but whatever) and the guys were either hooting and howling or would feel the need to jump in and "help" us out, fulfilling their need to save the day. I mean seriously, what would two girls possibly do without some big, strong man to come and please them both. GRRRR! This one of the things I hate most about heteronormativity and rigid gender roles: guys can't get over the fact that there are some women who DO NOT need their help nor desire their interference. Needless to say, I am feeling the machismo culture very much here.

But back to the party, it was a big success. According to my roommate, you can tell how successful a party was by the size of the mess the next day. Well, this morning we all spent two hours trying to get the house back in order. Another funny thing. So at about 7 am this morning this man came to our door all upset about the noise last night. Apparently I was the only one in any state to be able to answer the door at that hour because he seriously rang the doorbell for about 10 minutes before anyone answered. Finally, I got up and answered it. He angrily greets meet and just walks into our house. He starts talking to me about the noise and asking me who lived here and showing me this folder with some papers. I'm thinking to myself, "Shit, the whole neighborhood has gotten together and are going to try to kick us out, or something." Naturally, I pretended I didn't understand a word of Spanish. Thankfully, my other roommate, Louis, emerged from his room at this point and he begins talking to this man who turns out to be our neighbor- a doctor, with a pregnant wife. I just stand there while the two of them talk, pretending not to understand but wanting to give Louis moral support. I could understand about 70% of what they were saying, it was just the damn details I couldn't get. I was surprised at myself considering the state I was in just three hours earlier. Anyways, Louis starts translating for me about what he is saying and this is when we find out he speaks some English. Victor is his name and he was really upset about party and the noise so late and he pulls out this sheet of rules of about living in Zapopan. I was starting to get nervous but Louis was unimpressed and started in on him (very calmly of course) about how if he had a problem he didn't need to come over here yelling and with some sheet explaining the rules (especially as it was the first time we had actually met him) and all he had to do was talk to us. Then Louis invited him in for tea. I was in shock but very impressed. Reluctantly, he came in and the three of us sat down and discussed things calmly over tea. At this point, Victor, I think was a bit nervous and in shock and has begun to back down. I began explaining to him that we don't want to have any trouble with our neighbors and we were not aware of his situation (pregnant bedridden wife and work the next day) because he had never come to introduce himself or anything, and if he had had a problem all he had to do was come and ask us to turn down the music. At this point he was offering us free doctor services. He was like, 'I don't hold anything against you guys. If you need anything from me, maybe tomorrow you can come by and I can do something for you, etc. You are young but very mature, etc.' Amazing what a simple cup of tea can do. I'm gonna start doing that for all my arguments. LOL and after that we went back to bed.

Oh yea, we just got back from a mariachi concert. It was free a concert held at the Arcos downtown. It was fun. Apparently, Jalisco, the state that Guadalajara is in, is know for two things: tequila and mariachi. Mexicans get really into it. I like alright. I mean it's fun and all and interesting to listen to and watch but I just don't get it on the same level that Mexicans do. Maybe once I am able to understand the words I will get it. I feel the same way about electronica/techno here too. They love it but I SERIOUSLY don't understand how anyone can listen to more than one 15 minute song. Oh well. I am beginning to think I should have picked a country with a little more soul. I'll explain that one later I suppose. I'm off to bed now. buenas noches.


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