Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I find myself having less and less to write about during my time here in Mexico. I think that I have grown so accustomed to my life here, that things that once warranted mention now seem so common place. I really have grown to like my life here in Mexico. I feel quite normal here aside from the constant staring by everyone, a complete lack of Black people, and the ever-present and degrading catcalls by men. It's kind of strange. I definitely feel more at home here than I do in NC. While I really miss my friends back in DC, I am finally starting to feel like I am making some real friends here.

To update, I have finally visited another place in Mexico. Two weeks ago, Zoe (the girlfriend) and I went to Tapalpa. It's a little mountain town about 3.5 hours (by bus) outside of GDL. We left Saturday afternoon and came back Sunday night. It's really cute pueblo that definitely gets really cool at night. It's known for it's waterfalls and these huge stone structures that no one knows how they got there. We saw the stones but didn't get to the waterfalls because they were so far away and we didn't have car. We took a cab to the rocks and rode horses back. What seemed like such a brilliant idea at first turned out to be mistake in the end. Well only a mistake for my butt. I had forgotten how to ride a horse and was definitely bumping my way all the way back to town. It didn't help that our "guides" which were two boys about 16 or 18yrs. kept telling my horse to run. Now that i think about it, it was kinda dangerous. I mean not only did they not give us any tips on how to stay on/ride the horses, but we were riding down the road--with cars and buses. Oh Mexico. We ate at this really beautiful restaurant with a bar and tables in a garden with a water fountain. The food was really good too. Apparently, motocross or off-roading is popular there too because we saw a lot of people in their gear with their 4-wheelers. Next time. Next time. :-)

What else...I finally quit my job. My last day was Valentine's day. I have been somewhat busy since then, hanging out with friends and trying to find a place to volunteer. It's been surprisingly difficult to find a place. I have gone to two places already and have been told that they are not accepting more volunteers or that I need to be associated with a university. Apparently, the problem is that these places are government run and since the new governor is going to take office in March, all the people leading all the social organizations will change according to the druthers of the new governor. I'm not sure how anyone gets anything done this way and from the looks things in this country, it doesn't seem like too much on the social level has been done. But then again, I have little point of reference. I'm going to try my hand a few non-govermental organizations over the next few days. I have one contact and I'm hoping knowing someone will help me. That seems to be the only way to get anything done in Mexico. You have to know someone.

Well, aside from all that, not too much else on my radar right now. I am planning on traveling around Mexico a bit while I am still here. I think I'll be coming home in May to go to my sister's graduation and maybe to my friend's wedding which she is having in Barbados. yea I know, Barbados...we'll see about that one.
