Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well, I sit here writing this post contemplating the changes in my life since my last post. I had intended (as all amatuer bloggers do, I am sure) to write in December and at the beginning of the new year to make reflections on the past year. But per usual, my good intentions of keeping the world up to date on the small happenings in my life were once again thwarted by those very things we call life. Es la vida.

So a quick recap I suppose is in order. I think I do this more for me than for anyone else, but of course, anyone who wishes may read my thoughts... Christmas came and went without too much of a stir. I returned home to NC to hang with my family. I find that with every visit I make "home" I feel as if I am more of a stranger. But it was nice to speak English again, see my family and take a break from work. I went to DC to celebrate New Year's with my friends. It was great hanging out with them again. I felt like I was at home but at the same time not. It was nice being in places where I wasn't the only black person, well black lesbian wearing a tie at that. But at the same time, all I wanted to do was salsa. Es loca la vida.

I returned to Mexico on January 6th and well, I know it's wierd to say it, but I felt like I was coming home. Back in my house, back to my routine. I was definitely excited to be back in Mexico but not back at work. Did I mention I hate my job. I'm going to quit. Actually, I put in my two weeks notice Friday and my last day teaching for ICI will be Feb. 14. So what am i going to do with all my free time? Well, I plan to travel for one thing. And I am trying to get involved with things I am more interested in in Mexico. I am currently searching for a women's shelter to volunteer in and have found one or two gay oriented organizations I hope to be able to get invovled in. Hopefully, these opportunities will materialize. The main problem with my job was 1) I speak English all day which totally defeats the purpose of me being in Mexico and 2) I don't feel like I am getting to know that much about Mexico. I mean all I do is go talk to these rich Mexicans who work for an American company in English all day. Not necessarily a bad gig, but deathly boring to me. So, we shall see. I'll let you know in a few weeks how everything works out.

As for my personal life, it definitely fell to pieces and put itself back together again in a matter of approximately 25 days. I felt like I was riding a roller coaster at a county fair. There many ups and downs but never enough to really, really get your heart pumping. So the first weekend I got back, things between Grace and seemed great. The very next weekend, we broke up. She tells me in text message about 4 days ago that she is going to get married to her gay (male) doctor friend. Weird right. I don't even know where to begin with this one. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the time, but now I'm just more curious than anything. I mean seriously, something like that has to give one pause. What kind of world do we live in where two gay people feel the need to put on such an extravegant show to appease the rest of the world? And if you think about it, given the culture in Mexico, it seems an almost logical solution because there don't appear (well to me at least) to be many options for gaining security for lesbian women. Interesting. I suppose I could go all day but then sometimes I just think that it's just weakness of character. Oh well. On to the next.

So that's about where I am right now. I've met another chica, an artist who does drawings and sculptures for different venues in the city. What's interesting to me is the dynamics of this relationship (as she is bi) as opposed to my previous. There is much less of the whole azul-rosa thing going on. I know, I know. I analyze these things too much, but I just find it so interesting. Oh well. We met because she and her friend came up to me in a club one night and asked me to be their model. I said, why not. And we had the first drawing session Saturday and no I wasn't nude. They just wanted to draw my face. And they paid me for it too. The hardest part was sitting one place for so long. I think I have to go back another weekend. As usual, there is always so much more to tell, but I must sleep before work tomorrow. I only have 10 working days left! YAY!